Q: I completed the application and orientation, now what?
A: During orientation, you will complete a form indicating areas in which you’d like to volunteer. Afterwards, we transmit new volunteer information to the various volunteer team leaders and they should contact you within a week to ten days to follow up and get you started. You will also be contacted by a volunteer matchmaker who can help you get in touch with team leaders of interest or otherwise assist you in getting started volunteering. At any time, whether a week or a year after orientation, you may email wbcr.teamleaders@gmail.com for information, direction, or other assistance related to WBCR volunteering.
Q: I am under 18, can I volunteer?
A: Yes. Volunteers aged 14-18 are welcome to join our walk team but must be accompanied by parent or guardian at all times. For all minor volunteers, a parent or guardian must fill out the application and attend orientation.
Q: Can I just come walk the dogs?
A: Sure, but you must complete an application, attend an orientation and a walk training session.
Q: I can't give my time right now, but would like to make a donation. How do I go about doing this?
A: Donations to Wish Bone Canine Rescue helps save the life of homeless dogs! If you would like to make a financial contribution, please click here to choose where your money goes. This will direct you to a page that lists all of the ways to donate to WBCR. You may also mail donations to 1824 Hovey Ave, Normal, IL 61761.
If you would prefer to give an in-kind donation of used or new animal supplies, please review our wish list . Donations may be dropped off at 1824 Hovey Avenue, Normal, IL
Q: I need volunteer hours for community service. Would I be able to complete these hours at WBCR?
A: Volunteers who are completing community service hours for school/temple/church must be 18 years of age or older and complete at least 40 hours of volunteer service with WBCR. Volunteers are responsible for tracking their individual hours and obtaining appropriate staff signatures. However, for those interested in completing court-ordered community service, we are only able to help existing volunteers complete these hours. If you are a current volunteer and wish to obtain additional information on fulfilling community service hours, contact wbcr.teamleaders@gmail.com.
Q: My work/school/church would like to get a group together and volunteer. Can we do this?
A: Absolutely. For more information on group volunteering or to schedule a visit, please contact our volunteer coordinator team at wbcrshelter@gmail.com. Please include the type of experience you’re interested in, the number of people in your group, and your contact information. For groups of adults (18 years old or older), we will schedule a mini orientation and then split your volunteering time between light service (cleaning, laundry, special projects, etc.)
Volunteer Application
Volunteers must complete an application before they attend an orientation. After you submit an application to volunteer, you will receive an email
with a copy of WBCR Volunteer Manual and waiver forms. Volunteers must attend an orientation within 3 months of submitting application, it will
be deleted from our files and you will need submit again.
Volunteer Orientation
It is mandatory for volunteers to attend an orientation. Please be respectful and turn your cell phone ringer off and no texting. If you have a call you need to take, please step outside. You will choose a volunteer orientation date when you complete your application to volunteer. If you cannot attend the date you signed up for, please email wbcr.teamleaders@gmail.com to reschedule.
Community Service – COURT ORDERED COMMUNITY SERVICE will be available to current volunteers who maintain regularly scheduled volunteer hours. Community Service for College Credit will be accepted for new volunteers with a minimum of forty hours of volunteer time.
Wish Bone Canine Rescue could not exist without volunteers. As a nonprofit
organization, we rely on the assistance of caring and hard-working volunteers
in all our programs. We offer a variety of volunteer opportunities to choose from.
Volunteers are required to: