Name: Bailey

Email Address:

Bailey is a 10 year old spayed Golden Retriever. She has a cyst on her side that needs to be removed. She is a great dog who does well with people of all ages. She has energy and is a very happy dog. She is house broken.

POSTING DATE: 3/19/2025

Name: Honey & Sugar

Email Address: hikatie10@hotmail.vom

Honey and Sugar are 1 year old spayed Foxhounds. They have a special bond and would love to bring their fun personalities to your home. Unfortunately, their owner who loved them very much passed away. They need a home to bring some fun and love to. They are very playful and entertain themselves by playing with each other but having space to run and play would be great for them! They also get along great with other dogs.

POSTING DATE: 3/21/2025

Name: Ringo

Email Address:

Ringo is a 5 year old blonde Labradoodle. We believe he'd be best fit in a single dog, no kids home. He has been aggressive in the past, but not recently; however we cannot take any chances with our 9 month old. He has bitten both myself and my husband; not severe enough for medical attention but left a scar and drew blood. Each time he goes directly to his kennel, like he knows what he did was wrong. He is like an old man and wants attention on his own terms. He doesn't like to be messed with when he is sleeping or doesn't feel good. We got him from an individual down by Taylorville, IL when he was 8 weeks. He was due in August/September for vaccines (Bordetella, Lepto, and Flu). He is neutered and has his rabies until next year (2026). He is overdue to be groomed as well.

POSTING DATE: 3/20/2025

Name: Kingston

Email Address:

Kingston is a 1 year old neutered German shepherd mix. Very good boy, very hyper, loves the dog park. He doesn’t like baths after playing in mud. He loves to sing if you howl first. If he not getting enough attention, he will make sure you know. Talking to you or being on you, he’s very clingy once you earn his trust. He is not the best with men, he is scared of men because his past.

POSTING DATE: 2/18/2025

Locally Owned pets needing a new home

Below are adoptable dogs needing a new home because their owners have had a lifestyle change requiring them to find a new home for their pet.   Please be aware that the dogs posted on this page are courtesy listings.  These dogs do not belong to Wish Bone Canine Rescue; we have not assessed or examined them.  All information provided has been submitted by the owners; we cannot verify its accuracy.  For additional information or to adopt, please contact the owner listed. 

If you own a dog that you can no longer keep and would like to find a new home for it, click on the link below which will take you directly to our application for posting your dog. Please complete the form and submit and we will post as soon as possible.  Dogs will remain posted as a courtesy listing on our website for one month, after which you must resubmit a new application.

​you may also wish to contact Adopt-a-Pet @